
Interactive Aftercare

Interactive Aftercare

These interactive videos explore the dimensions of grief, as well as the dynamic cycle of experience. There's never been anything like this online before. These videos teach with both style and substance.

Meet Dr. Virginia Simpson

Executive Counseling Director
I bring both personal and professional experience with death and grieving to every counseling situation, which includes the creation of this set of grief counseling resources. I know them to be the best available online today. Whether your loss has been sudden or expected, I'll help you learn to cope with the depth of emotions and experiences that are part of healthy grieving.

Launch Interactive Aftercare

Brooks Funeral Home - Connellsville
Phone: (724) 628-1430
111 East Green Street Connellsville, PA 15425

Brooks Funeral Home - Mt. Pleasant
Phone: (724) 547-3800
406 East Washington Street Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666

© Brooks Funeral Home
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants and TA

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